Grubi kremes

Buy Best Gurbi Kremes Snacks Indonesia From Best Snacks Manufacturer Indonesia Prilnis Kitchen

A long while back in 2007. Risca Nur Afriyansyah founded Gurbi Kremes Snacks and Confectioners with a lot of expectations and a clear vision. With an exciting brand name, Prilnis Kitchen, she began manufacturing mixed Indonasian snacks to cater to an eager market and used expertise in several fields such as marketing, selling, branding, etc.  to rise as a brand and found acceptance with consumers and visibility in the market. For the last 14 years, this brand is thriving steadily and rapidly. And now this brand is a household name in the nation and continues to delight with its different varieties Gurbi Kremes is one of its Grubi Kremes. Grubi kremes Snacks Indonesia is an old hawker snack (old school). Which was very famous in his time and until now people really admire Grubi Kremes. it’s crunchy texture is not hard and the sweetness is just right. Made from the best quality sweet potatoes and brown sugar. Suitable to eat at all ages, young and old. With the manufacturing process still. Traditionally, using stoves and firewood. What is certain is that it has a very rural fragrance.

Grubi Kremes

Grubi kremes adalah jajanan jajanan jadul (jadul). Yang sangat terkenal pada masanya dan hingga kini Grubi Kremes sangat dikagumi orang. Teksturnya yang renyah tidak keras dan rasa manisnya pas. Terbuat dari ubi jalar kualitas terbaik dan gula merah. Cocok untuk dimakan segala usia, tua dan muda. Dengan proses pembuatan masih. Secara tradisional, menggunakan kompor dan kayu bakar. Yang pasti adalah aromanya sangat pedesaan.

Gurbi Kremes Snacks Indonesia knows very well how to figure out people’s cravings and tests. Prilnis Kitchen adapted it with new technology that makes an immense impact on the quality of Snacks. With that, the Prilnis Kitchen is now maintaining the quality of global standards. This Prilnis Kitchen is able to recognize the value of meeting the most stringent standards keeping the health and well-being of its consumers at the forefront of its process. And this quality of this Prilnis Kitchen makes it more consumer-friendly. And the main concern is people are more conscious of their eating habits. They want to have a good enough knowledge of what they are eating. This applies to some casual snacks as well. And this type of market and consumers’ needs, Best Gurbi Kremes, realized it and focused on a healthier product alongside taste because sweet potato chips are one of Indonesia’s favorite snacks. made from sweet potatoes and other spices. spicy and sweet, with a crunchy texture not hard. Really old school flavor, seasoned with sweet spicy spices. It smells like lime leaves and ginger. The process still uses the stove and firewood very very very traditional. no wonder that Indonesians are very fond of snacks in the form of kepirik.

Grubi kremes snacks indonesia

Along with best Indonasian snacks like Gurbi Kremes Snacks Indonesia, the brand also has expanded itself into bakery products such as best sushi in Indonesia and different types of cookies which are wildly popular with the masses. As well as all the products provided by Prilnis Kitchen are widely famous because of cultural acceptance. Prilnis Kitchen produces the best snacks in Indonesia and behind it are people who are well familiar with these products in the locality. And one of the best parts of this Gurbi Kremes Snacks Indonesia is once you taste it you would get a real taste of Indonesia Bogor.  And that makes it more preferable in certain locations. Because many times you find the taste of a place where you want to go just for the sake of a Best Gurbi Kremes Snacks Indonesia. And if you talk about the festival sessions then at that time our Prilnis Kitchen try to use more flavorus ways to increase the quality of our Snacks or snack craving. The company takes great pride in filling the shelves of its millions of customers with its products and enthralling the taste buds of children, adults, and the elderly alike. 

Backed by the experiences and expertise of over three decades, Prilnis Kitchen stands today as one of the brand leaders in this highly sensitive market of ready to eat snacks Relying solely upon uncompromising quality, Prilnis Kitchen has come a long way as a technologically advanced organization that began its journey as a cottage industry in Indonesia.

Prilnis Kitchen is trying its best to provide the best possible taste of  Best Gurbi Kremes Snacks throughout Indonesia Bogor. And this effort people know very well that is why the Prilnis Kitchen is growing day by day. As well as focusing on promoting Indonesian heritage, culture, and cuisine worldwide, the Prilnis Kitchen has now customized Indian food for the overseas market as well. Introducing the world to our famed traditional hospitality, Prilnis Kitchen is a name that has its roots in the centuries’ old native cuisine. It is a name that spells professional ethics, uncompromising quality, and customer-care 27X7 you can call us.


packaging grubi kremes we use the form of mica with a weight of 300gr contents 42pcs. and packaging sweet spicy sweet potato chips we use plastic with a weight of 250 gr.


Untuk pengemasan grubi kremes kami mengunakan berupa mika dengan berat 300gr isi 42pcs Untuk pengemasan keripik ubi pedas manis kami menggunakan plastik dengan berat 250 gr






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