Learning the Basics of Using Meta Keywords l GrabOffers

Meta Keywords are a certain type of meta-tags. When these tags are used in the HTML coding program of a webpage, search engines get notified of what

information the page consists of. For instance, a webpage full of information on surfing will have meta keywords consisting of the word ‘surfing’.

Why use meta keywords?

In Google’s recent algorithm update, it was stated that meta keywords are set to be devalued for the reason that they were being maltreated by a lot of digital marketers. Web developers excessively filled up the code with high-volume meta keywords, making low-quality web pages rank high on the result pages, significantly diluting the quality of Google SERPs. Still, it remains uncertain if keywords were eliminated from Google’s algorithm completely. Recent reports suggest that proper and truthful use of meta keywords could still help websites. 

If your company is currently running paid campaigns of meta keyword incorporation, there’s no need to worry. They are still effective in producing excellent organic results.

Key Thing to Remember – Incorporating Meta Keywords into Webpage


Whether a webpage is created through software or a web developer personally designs the code, using meta keywords that are relevant to the content used on the webpage is very important. These keywords also have to be used throughout

the webpage in order to rank highly on search engine result pages. How many meta keywords is ideal to secure a good ranking

Using 5-8 meta keywords on a single webpage is best. Never exceed 10.

A lot of a website’s success has to do with how it is coded. Visit the website of Marketing Sweet, a premier digital marketing agency, to know more about the inner workings of successful websites from some of the leading web developers

in the world.

But how do you capitalize on it and make it a window to potential customers? Here are six key things every website owner needs to have on their personal website –

  1. Samples of Work

At the present time, both creative and professionals in non-creative fields are required to have their personal websites serve as a decent portfolio. Websites are ideally a great way to collect all past work in a manner that makes hiring an

easy decision for managers. Once employers understand the quality of the work, especially for independent web designers, photographers, or other creative fields – the path to hiring becomes easier. A ‘gallery’ displaying the best of your past work is a must on a personal website.

  1. Links to All Social Media Accounts

It is important for users to see the social media presence of the website owner. Not only does it verify the authenticity of the website, but it also humanizes the website owner in a number of ways.

To connect with colleagues whereas social media websites such as Twitter, GitHub, or Behance are other great ways of creating a consummate online identity.

  1. Elevator Pitch

Instantly, when users visit your personal website, they want to understand who the person behind the website is, what he or she does, and what exactly is being asked of them on the website. So, either on the home page or a separate ‘About Me’, including a summary of around 2 to 3 paragraphs worth of info that layout the most noteworthy things/traits about you, is crucial. This information can include major businesses you’ve worked under in the past, projects you are presently working on, and most importantly your best qualities as a professional in your field, something that makes you stand out. Just imagine a scenario where users on your website can only read this one segment –what should they know?

  1. Include a Great, Professional Blog

Your personal website is the best place to share your opinion on matters concerning your industry. Blogs are the ideal medium to do that. It gives you the chance to show your skills as a thought leader, engages with users via the comments and effortlessly updates your career status.

  1. Testimonials

Testimonials from past clients or even colleagues are a fine way to make the website seem impressive. These endorsements are crucial particularly if they’re from respected experts in the field. Link the social media websites of the people who are testifying on your behalf.

  1. Visualization of Your Objectives and Achievements

Lastly, it’s important to keep in mind that your personal website should not just be endless lines of text – a simple resume is enough to cover that. Instead, use the plethora of web design tactics that are easily accessible to visualize your personal goals and accomplishments. Want to make the perfect personal website? Consult with the top professionals of  Web Development in Sydney.


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