digital marketing

When launching a new startup, it is key for a good start to make yourself known within the business field. If before the digital age there were not many methods of distribution and the few that existed had a high cost and an impact difficult to measure. Digital marketing agency and its different actions allow each entrepreneur to publicize his business and thus boost his activity.

5 digital ways to advertise your business

Among all the actions that may exist, what is the best to start with? What are the most required actions? Do I need to use all actions from the beginning to get results? The first answer we can give you is that it is not necessary to do everything at once, you will have to pick the first actions based on your strategy. Also, unless you have important and necessary resources from the beginning, you will not be able to do everything from the start.

It is important to note that each case that we are going to see in this article works independently of the others (apart from the creation of a web page and the optimization for search engines that are actually related).

Create a company website

A topic addressed that it is still extraordinary that many companies do not take it as a priority. Web agencies have been trying for years to highlight the need of any company, whatever the sector of activity, to have a website. In fact, this page is the first exhibition for your business. Before going to the store, the consumer searches the internet for knowledge about any business. From the moment a company creates a web page, this page becomes the store’s first showcase.

And if a consumer searches the internet and cannot find you, they will question your business and at the same time, they will find one of your competitors. Online presence is very important. A web page is an advantage to manage your online presence. You can add all your content, images, address, hours … Everything worthwhile for your clients. One fact: schedules are the information most sought after by consumers.

How to create a web page in an easy way?

It is a reliable method but at a high cost. The second is to create the page yourself. With increasingly simple website creation tools, creating your page is child’s play.


Create content to boost the positioning of your page in Google

Once your website is available with all the “static” content ready, it will be time to work on the natural positioning or SEO of your company. Even if your page is optimized, the work doesn’t end here. To have a better position in Google, it is necessary to keep your website “alive” and the best way is to add content constantly. 

Thanks to this you can tell everything relevant to your business to your community and your customers. All this content will have the advantage of “making your page live” and, respecting some web writing regulations, your page’s reference will gradually improve.

The mistake that is most frequently made is thinking that it will be possible to quickly upload positions in Google and if it does not, this means is immediately rejected.

Don’t forget: know who your client is, how they like to converse, and locate the keywords that define your business. If you don’t know how to do it, you can analyze how it communicates the most direct competition.

If you’d like to enhance your business through digital marketing, we are more than happy to help you. Visit the best digital marketing company for further information. 


Communicate with your clients with emailing campaigns

One of the ways to publicize your company without commercial prospecting is to communicate with your customers. Customer loyalty is 10 times cheaper than finding new customers, don’t miss the opportunity! 

If you have a database (if you don’t have one, you can rent it) you have a very important asset when communicating with your clients. The essential data are surname, name, email or email, and the mobile number. With this information, you can start interacting with your customers.

Email marketing continues to be the first means of communication: Newsletter, promotional offers, private sales, invitations to events, thanks, birthdays … there are many opportunities to communicate with your client, especially taking advantage of the data you have since you can get there to high customization.


Maintain direct contact thanks to SMS marketing

To complete email communications, it may be interesting to use a more direct channel. The objective is to communicate with your clients quickly and have the guarantee that they will have your information. With an almost total insertion of mobile phones, a method as direct as SMS, 98% of these are read within 5 minutes after sending. This means that bulk SMS is a very useful channel to send relevant information.

Open days, promotions of the day, sales, flash sales, extraordinary closing … are some of the appropriate commercial communications for the SMS channel. It is a very effective channel to build customer loyalty and show them exclusive and personalized information. Do not forget that it is very difficult to recover a disgruntled customer.


Find and encourage your community on social networks.

Last method of this article: encouraging communities on social networks. It is the ideal channel to group your clients and exchange information with them. Facebook, about to reach almost 2 billion users, is an advantage to be known, acquire, and retain. It is an immediate method of feedback with your followers.

Images, videos, ads, gifs … Social media platforms allow you to vary the content formats that you are going to send to your clients. In addition, a presence on social networks allows you to react quickly to the comments that consumers leave. In fact, if you have a website, your customers will leave their messages, so you can see, control, and respond to comments, which will allow you to control your reputation.

Now that you have the necessary tools to publicize your company, it’s time to grow your business and position yourself in the market.


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